Question NW184 to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

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14 March 2017 - NW184

Profile picture: Selfe, Mr J

Selfe, Mr J to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(1) Is his department working with the Department of Public Works to resolve the water supply crisis at the Barberton Prison Farm, if not, why not; if so, (2) will the pipeline to the livestock farming area be closed; if not, why not; if so (a) by what date will it be closed and (b) how will the livestock be fed in the interim; (3) will repairs be done to the (a) existing pumping system at the dams, (b) seven boreholes on prison property, (c) pipelines from the boreholes to the reservoirs and (d) plumbing inside the prison areas; if not, why not; if so, by what date will work commence and be completed in each case; (4) will new boreholes and pipelines to the reservoirs be refurbished and/or replaced; if not, why not; if so, by what date will work (a) commence and (b) be completed in each case?


(1) Yes,

(2) No; the pipeline to the livestock farming will not be closed, because it will be against the requirements of Animals Protection Act 71 of 1962, Sec (1) (c) & (e).

(2) (a) Not Applicable

(b) Not applicable

(3) (a) No, the pumping system is still new as it was installed in May 2016, at this stage the pumping system is well functioning so there is no need for repair.

(b) Yes, the Department of Public works conducted assessment on boreholes, out of seven (07), four (04) were re-drilled. The water from boreholes was tested and found to be in good condition for consumption.

(c) No, there was no existing pipeline which requires repair at this stage.

(d) No, the life span of plumbing at Barberton Farm is still in good condition.

(4) No,

(a)(b) city of Mbombela has started to dig a trench which will be connecting boreholes to the reservoir.

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