Question NW2997 to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture(1). Whether a certain person (name and details furnished) lodged an appeal to the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) President after his suspension in 2018 and disciplinary sanction in 2020 as chairperson of the Cape Town Softball Association

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18 October 2023 - NW2997

Profile picture: Joseph, Mr D

Joseph, Mr D to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture(1). Whether a certain person (name and details furnished) lodged an appeal to the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) President after his suspension in 2018 and disciplinary sanction in 2020 as chairperson of the Cape Town Softball Association

(1). Whether a certain person (name and details furnished) lodged an appeal to the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) President after his suspension in 2018 and disciplinary sanction in 2020 as chairperson of the Cape Town Softball Association. (2). whether SASCOC issued a letter of acknowledgement to the specified person; if not, why not; if so, on what date. (3). whether the matter has been concluded by SASCOC; if not, why not; if so, what was the result? NW4061E


(1). Yes, Mr Noore Nacerodien from Cape Town Softball Association lodge an appeal asked for SASCOC’s intervention in relation to setting up an independent disciplinary committee to re- attend to this case and the possibility that it’s referred for arbitration.

In complying with the dispute resolution mechanism of SASCOC, the National Federation was contacted, and Softball SA advised SASCOC not to intervene as it was an internal matter and later was sub-judice as the court of law was approached.

(2). Mr Noore Nacerodien was advised by the Operations team that the matter will be raised with the National Federation.

(3). With the case being sub-judice within the National Federation processes, and as per SASCOC’s dispute resolution procedures Softball SA resolved the matter internally. SASCOC was never involved, and Softball SA closed on the matter as per their confirmation through President of Softball SA Mr. Mashilo.

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