Question NW2134 to the Minister of Transport

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03 July 2023 - NW2134

Profile picture: Nolutshungu, Ms N

Nolutshungu, Ms N to ask the Minister of Transport

What steps of interventions has she taken to ensure that public transport services are in a position to provide services to persons living with disabilities across the Republic?



The Department published the White Paper on National Public Transport Policy, 2021 which commits that all forms of transport services will become “accessible to all”, (i.e universally accessible); including people with disabilities, all over the country. (Page 4).

The White Paper applies to all forms of transport services; road-based public transport, cycling and walking, rail, aviation and maritime. The implementation of this part of the White Paper requires coordination across the provinces and the State-owned Entities of the Department. The Transport Sector Transformation Forum meets quarterly, and progress on universally accessible transport is reported in this forum.

In road-based public transport services specifically, since 2010, ten municipalities have developed a universal design access plan (UDAP) to implement universally accessible transport systems in Integrated Public Transport Networks (IPTNS), using the Public Transport Network Grant (PTNG). In these ten municipalities new public transport vehicles have to be universally designed, to accommodate wheelchairs, people with other disabilities, passengers accompanying children, elderly people and women.

All ten municipalities report annually on the implementation of their UDAP, which includes all aspects of the travel chain, not vehicles alone. The implementation of the UDAP is part of the operational plan of the new public transport system within an IPTN. Where any form of transport in an IPTN is not accessible, passengers are able to register a complaint. Under the National Land Transport Act section 18(5) this complaint must be remedied.