MEDIA STATEMENT                                         For immediate release


Subject: Misuse of Voortrekker Monument as emblem rejected



Pretoria, 26 March 2007: It has come to the attention of the Board of Directors of the Voortrekker Monument that certain organisations on the far right wing of the political spectrum are using the image and photos of the Voortrekker Monument to further their own aims and agendas, inter alia on their web sites. In as much as this could create the impression that the Voortrekker Monument associates itself with such organisations and misuse, it would be a completely wrong impression.


The Voortrekker Monument was built to commemorate the Voortrekkers and is for many South Africans, including a great number of Afrikaans speaking citizens, of great cultural-historical and emotional significance. The Board of Directors considers it its duty to keep the Voortrekker Monument, and all other heritage sites under its control, out of the politics of the day and to conserve them as dignified and important heritage assets and institutions for the future. This policy is pursued with total commitment, and also with piety towards the past generations and in the interest of a peaceful future for all in South Africa.


The misuse of the image and photos of the Voortrekker Monument and the unwarranted linking of the Voortrekker Monument to such organisations, is counter productive and does not serve to promote the interests of Afrikaner heritage conservation in general and the Voortrekker Monument in particular.

As such it is strongly rejected.



Issued by: Maj Gen (Rtd) Gert Opperman

                   Chief Executive Officer

                   The Voortrekker Monument and Nature Reserve