From: SAPS

Domestic Violence Report

1 July - 31 Dee 2006

Sect 18(5)(d)(i) of Domestic Violence Act: The number and particulars of reports received by the SAPS of failures by its members to comply with obligations imposed on them in terms of the Act or the national instructions

Sect 18(5)(d)(ii) of Domestic Violence Act: disciplinary proceedings instituted as a result thereof and the decisions which emanated from such proceedings

Section 18(5)(d)(iii) of the Act: steps taken recommendations made by the Independent Complaints Directorate

43 330 domestic violence incidents were reported to the Service

Gauteng              9 099

Western Cape     8 674

KZN                    6 920

Northern Cape     4 711

Free State           4 625

Eastern Cape      4 577

Mpum                 2 606

Limpopo              2 399

North West          2 325

Out of the 43 330 domestic violence incidents 16 245 resulted in criminal cases being opened. This means that in 37% of all domestic violence incidents, the victims are willing to lay criminal charges. Sadly many of those charges

Training on Domestic Violence:

- To ensure compliance with the Act and National lnstruction; and

- To develop the necessary skills to enable members to deal with incidents of domestic violence in a sensitive, professional and efficient manner

·         With the implementation of the Act 1771 commanders and trainers from every station and area were trained on the Act. These trainers were responsible to train the remaining members in their respective provinces and divisions before its coming into operation.


·         Training on domestic violence was included and now forms an integral part of the Basic Training Programme for new recruits since 2000


·         During the reporting period 5 002 new recruits underwent the Basic Training Programme (which included training on domestic violence)


70 % of all members specializing in Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences cases completed specialized training (including training on the handling and investigation of cases involving domestic violence)


·         As part of In-service Training, 4 628 members were trained in the handling of domestic violence incidents during the reporting period


·         At present all station commisioners and provincial commanders are receiving further training on their specific roles in this regard


Monitoring and Evaluation

·         In respect of each case reported to the SA Police involving domestic violence, a detective is designated to conduct a full investigation and present the docket to the Public Prosecutor.


·         Non-Compliance by Members:


- Failure by a member to comply with an obligation imposed ito the Act constitutes misconduct. Disciplinary proceedings are instituted against members who fail to comply with their obligations UNLESS the ICD directs otherwise.


·         National Evaluation Services are conducting inspections at station level on a regular basis to ensure compliance by members with, inter alia, the obligations imposed by the Act and National Instruction.


Challenges: Domestic Violence

·         Further intensive training is required to properly deal with domestic violence incidents


- This is currently being addressed by In-service training


·         Gender sensitivity is required to properly deal with domestic violence incidents


- This is currently being addressed by continuously presenting workshops on diversity and gender issues.

·         Community not yet fully aware and sensitized to the protection afforded by the Act: Communication and Liaison Services has developed a communication strategy which focuses, inter alia, on the raising of awareness of the protection afforded to victims of Domestic Violence. This includes posters, printed material and promotional items, radio-talks, imbizo's, etc.


·         Proper coordination between different state departments, NGO's and community initiatives is essential to properly deal with domestic violence incidents.