The total of written submissions received on the Civil Union Bill [B26B-2006] totalled 128.

Submission A: Plural marriage and cohabitation to be included in the Civil Union Bill.

Submission B: Oppose the redefinition of marriage including the amendment to the constitution .

Submission C: Opposing the redefinition of marriage - calls for constitutional amendment to protect the definition of marriage.

Submission D: Supports the Bill (oral submission)

Submission E: Oppose the Bill on traditional cultural grounds.

Submission F: Ineligible

Submission G: Opposing the Bill on traditional grounds

Submission H: William Dicks - opposing the Bill on religious grounds

Submission I: Supports the Bill. Non-recognition of other religious marriages ­questions the constitutionality of that (oral submission).

Submission J: Christian Action Network. Oppose the Bill on religious grounds. (oral submission).

Submission K: duplicate

Submission L: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds

Submission M: Opposing the Bill and calling for a referendum

Submission 0: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds

Submission P: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds

Submission Q: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds

Submission R: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds

Submission S: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds

Submission T: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds

Submission U: His People Christian Church: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds. Voices its dissatisfaction that the Bill was passed despite people's objections (oral submission)

Submission V: Oppose the bill. Call to amend constitution.

Submission W: Oppose the bill. Riased concerns regarding to the democratic process.

Submission X: Oppose the Bill. Concerns regarding the family environment.

Submission Y: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds and calls for a national referendum.

Submission Z: Oppose the Bill concerns regarding the family environment

Submission AA: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission BB: Oppose the Bill, says that civil Union marriage is about the satisfaction of passionate lusts.

Submission CC: Oppose the Bill concern over the future of children.

Submission DD: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission EE: Oppose the Bill. Concerns regarding the family environment.

Submission FF: Oppose the Bill with concerns regarding democratic process.

Submission GG: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission HH: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission II: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission JJ: Oppose the Bill concerns regarding democratic process.

Submission KK: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission LL: Oppose the Bill. Concerns regarding family environment.

Submission MM: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds and the democratic process.

Submission NN: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission 00: Oppose the Bill concerns regarding family environment.

Submission PP: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission QQ; Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission RR: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission SS: Oppose the Bill. Concerns regarding the democratic process and religious grounds.

Submission TT: Oppose the bill on religious grounds.

Submission UU: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission W: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission WW: Christian Bretheren Church. Oppose the Bill on religious grounds. (oral submission)

Submission XX: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission YY: Oppose the Bill on religious and traditional grounds.

Submission ZZ: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission AAA: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission BBB: Oppose the Bill on traditional grounds.

Submission CCC: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission ODD: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission EEE: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission FFF: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission GGG: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission HHH: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission III: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission JJJ: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission KKK: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission LLL: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds

Submission MMM: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission NNN: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission 000: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission PPP: Oppose the Bill on traditional grounds.

Submission QQQ:

Submission RRR: Oppose the Bill on religious and moral grounds.

Submission SSS: Oppose the Bill and moral grounds and the amendment of the constitution.

Submission TTT: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission UUU: Oppose the Bill on traditional grounds.

Submission VW: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission WWW Oppose the Bill on moral and religious grounds.

Submission XXX Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission YYY: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission ZZZ: Oppose the Bill on moral and religious grounds.

Submission AAAA: Oppose the Bill religious and moral grounds.

Submission BBBB: Oppose the Bill on moral and religious grounds.

Submission CCCC: Oppose the Bill and raises concerns regarding the democratic process.

Submission DODD: Oppose the Bill, states that there should be one marriage act.

Submission EEEE: Oppose the Bill, and states that all reference to "marriage" should be removed.

Submission FFFF: Oppose the Bill, and calls for the amendment of the constitution.

Submission GGGG: Oppose the Bill. Raises concerns regarding the democratic process.

Submission HHHH: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission IIII: Oppose the Bill on moral and religious grounds.

Submission JJJJ: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds and the effect it would have

on marriages and families. -~

Submission KKKK: Petition received where 65 people are opposed and 11 are in favour of the legislation.

Submission LLLL: Oppose the Bill and raises concerns regarding the democratic process.

Submission MMMM: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission NNNN: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission OOOO: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission PPPP: Opposes the Bill, on moral and traditional grounds and states that the interpretation of "equality" poses serious challenges to the administration of justice in terms of the "Marriage Act, and that "we are a society dictated to by the Courts who recognize the law to be the one that has been developed in the West undermining the African indigenous ways of life to accommodate a few Western orientated individuals."

Submission QQQQ: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission RRRR: opposes the Bill and calls for a referendum.

Submission SSSS: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds and concerns regarding the family environment.

Submission TTTT: Oppose the Bill on moral and religious grounds.

Submission UUUU: Oppose the Bill and raises concerns regarding the democratic process.

Submission VWV: Oppose the Bill on religious and moral grounds.

Submission WWWW: Rainbow UCT supports the Bill. They note that the commitment of our country's leaders to the principle of equality for all people will go a long way towards helping to combat the prejudice that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people face elsewhere on society. They state that they do not believe that allowing two people who love each other and want to make a commitment to each other for the rest of their lives can possibly do anything to undermine the institution of marriage, no matter what sex those people may be.

They raise concern that Section 6 of the bill may not be incompatible with section 9(3) of the Constitution. They acknowledge that some people object to the notion of gay marriages and that they endorse the freedom given to churches to choose who they wish to marry between, they believe that to allow officers of the state to refuse to carry out marriages i.t.o. this Bill will violate the rights of gay and lesbian couples to be treated equally by the state. This is of particular concern in small towns where an alternate marriage officer may not be available. They propose that that this section of the Bill be removed.

Submission XXXX: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission YYYY: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds and raises concern regarding the family environment.

Submission ZZZZ: Supports the Bill. The submission states that we came from a past where people hid behind bibles to promote apartheid, to segregate people and diminish the spirit of people, so how can "we regress back to that". Everyone is entitled to their spiritual and religious beliefs, but can we justify those beliefs if it means denying people their basic freedom? It further notes that gays and lesbians are asking for their partnership to be recognised and protected by the law, but that government uphold the constitution that you may not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, sexual preference and religion.

Submission AAAAA: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds and raises concern regarding the family environment.

Submission BBBBB: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds and raises concern regarding the family environment.

Submission CCCCC: Oppose the Bill. Objects to the Civil Union Bill that includes the word "marriage" along with the term "civil union".

Submission MMMMM: Opposes the Bill on religious grounds and calls for a national referendum.

Submission NNNNN: Oppose the Bill on religious and moral grounds.

Submission OOOO: Oppose the Bill, and raises concerns regarding the family environment

Submission QQQQQ: Oppose the Bill and raises concerns regarding the upbringing of the children.

Submission RRRRR: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds.

Submission SSSSS: Oppose the Bill on religious grounds and raises concern  regarding the democratic process.

Submission TTTTT Commission on Gender Equity (CGE) (oral submission)

Submission UUUUU: Doctors For Life International - they submit that the definition of a "civil union" in section 1 should be changed to omit the words "either a marriage" and that throughout the remainder of the Bill the appropriate changes should be made in accordance this change in definition.

Submission VWW: Report done by Dr T Nkoebe: Is Homosexuality Genetic.

Submission WWWWW: Oppose the Bill on moral grounds.

Submission XXXXX: Islamic Unity Convention opposes the Bill on religious grounds and calls for a national referendum. (oral submission)