Form : Gideon Boshoff
To: Ntombe Mbuqe
Date 06 October

Subject: Additional inputs: National Sport and Recreation Amendment Bill


I see from the draft Bill that it says that DISSA has been consulted so please consider the comments below as DISSA's submission - while we still exist

Please could you submit the following comments:

1. in section 7 where it is proposed that SASCOC be responsible for education and training, it should be made clear that the specific area is for education and training in relation to high performance sport. It could be argued that education and training is in fact a government responsibility which, where related to mass participation, is where the whole area probably fits best. The national federations should be responsible for the sports specific technical component based on their expertise.

2. in section 8 where the proposal is that SASCOC be responsible for facilities at a national level, this flies in the face of the MIG programme and the responsibility of local government in particular for facilities in their area of operation. Thus this should be a S&RSA responsibility.

3. in relation to section 9, this should be a S&RSA responsibility as it is based on mass participation. This section could lead to confusion about the respective roles of S&RSA and SASCOC.

4. section 1 contemplates SASCOC giving funding for development and if this is to remain (this should rather be S&RSA's responsibility), it should be for high performance development specifically.

Please copy me on the submission to SASCOC.

Alison Burchell
General Manager
Disability Sport South Africa