The basic premise of this –NGO  is to function as the voice of the people  and answers from the Government to the masses ( women, youth, people with special needs and the elderly ) which seem to be neglected by the very same communities that have socialized them.


Their attitude, attributes, moral degeneration is a result of the neglect they experience in their environment. So this NGO will be the leading NGO in poverty alleviation efforts aimed at the youth, women, people with special needs and the elderly.


Everyone in this room will attest to the fact that very little provision has been allocated to address women and youth related problems hence today they are indulging themselves in things that lead to moral degeneration i.e abusing drugs, prostitution, crime etc.


These are issues affecting the youth directly but they are addressed indirectly without involving them. If we are to say our youth is abreast of the recent systems, policies, legislation etc we will be committing suicide of their minds implying that they are ignorant.


We are trying to bridge the gap between the youth, women, disabled and the Government. We have a dream that one day all the available stake holders will participate and have only one voice about the future of this country and that the voice of the masses will be heard.


This is the centre where youth, people with special needs, women and elderly will consult and acquire knowledge. We will train and work with the people of the particular area on specific tasks carried on that area. This centre is for the people, formed by the people to serve people’s needs and develop the people and the whole country and Africa.


We want to serve as a vehicle to transport knowledge as we still believe that knowledge gives the power to the people who were previously disadvantaged. We would dealing with issues around tourism first as they form a big part of the economy.


Be reminded that Noah’s Ark was built by amateurs and it stood the test of time, while the Titanic was built by professionals and it sank. In the light of the above I say growing together is the solution for a better future. Let us not allow grass to grow high on the path to a better South Africa.