Framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements
Standards approved for implementation by the Minister of Finance
Presentation of financial statements (GRAP 1)
Cash flow statements (GRAP 2)
Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors (GRAP 3)
Generally Accepted Municipal Accounting Practice (8 standards)
Standards submitted to the Minister of Finance, not yet approved for implementation
Inventories (GRAP 12)
Leases (GRAP 13)
Investment property (GRAP 16)
Property, plant and equipment (GRAP 17)
Segment reporting (GRAP 18)
Consolidation and separate financial statements (GRAP 6)
Investments in associates (GRAP 7)
Interests in joint ventures (GRAP 8)

Standards to be submitted to the Minister of Finance for approval to implement
Revenue from exchange transactions (GRAP 9)
Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations (GRAP 100)
Agriculture (GRAP 101)
Exposure drafts issued locally for comment concurrently with IPSASB
Revenue from non-exchange transactions (including taxes and transfers)
Presentation of budget information in financial statements
Impairment of non-cash-generating assets (GRAP 21)
Impairment of cash-generating assets
Local exposure drafts issued for comment
Construction contracts (IPSAS 11)
Intangible assets
Provisions, contingent assets and contingent liabilities (GRAP 19)
Events after the reporting date (GRAP 14)
The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates (GRAP 4)
Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies (GRAP 10)
Discussion Papers issued for comment
Heritage assets
Intangible assets
Public-private partnerships