1 November 2005




Overview of Briefing


- Ms Luci Abrahams (ExCo ofNACI)

- Dr Bok Marais (Head: Secretariat)

- Mr Tjaart van der Walt (DST: Director Finances)

- Mr Charles Mokonoto (Specialist: Indicators)

The Council

Governance Practices (1)

Governance Practices (2)

NACI is not a listed public entity in terms of the PMFA, bat observes the King Code guidelines as far as the NACI Act permits

Organisation of Annual Report

Larger Context: [44-58]

Elaboration: [22-41]

Report of the Chair: [6-15]

Focus 2004 - 2005

The focus of the report year was the strategic and operational rethinking of NACI's mandate, priorities and procedures with a view to better advice rendering to the Minister and Government

Strategic thrusts & priorities (1)

1. Infrastructure for innovation promotion

2. Human capital & knowledge base

3. STI for Competitiveness

Strategic thrusts & priorities (2)

4. Social dimensions of innovation

5. NACI’s position & role in the NSI

Reference Group for Women in S&T SET4W (I)

Reference Group for Women in S&T SET4W(2)

Human resource for SET [PMG Note : Graph not included]

SA Reference Group for Women in S&T SET4W (3)

Racial composition of women in SET[PMG Note : Graph not included]

Assessor on NACI Performance

"The NACI self-assessment process, incorporating a thorough re-evaluation of its priorities and a well-defined assessment framework, is to he applauded (...)The NACI Corporate Business Plan, and progress against the targets/performance metrics defined therein, is core. The Council itself is best positioned to adjudicate on progress here, and their judgement as reflected in the report must he taken at face value, and duly supported.. continuous improvement (evolution) seems the order of the day, rather than any more drastic revolutionary changes."


Three submissions, initially routed through DST, were updated and converted for direct submission to the Minister:

Financial report 2004-2005(R’000)

[PMG Note : Table not Included]



Thank you