the dti

Striving for a growing economy that benefits all : Presentation to Portfolio Committee October 2005


Page No

Part One: The economic & strategic context 1 - 3

Part Two: Summary of Progress per Objective 4 - 11

Part Three: Spending of 2004/05 allocated funds 12 - 14

Part Four: Key proposed policy initiatives 15 - 17

Part Five: Reports per sub-programme 18 - 31

The economic and strategic context

The 2004/05 Annual Report of the dti is contextualized by the department's medium term strategy, which addresses the following challenges:

Key objectives

The annual report reflects progress on the following key objectives for


Increase the contribution of small enterprises

Part two

Summary of progress per objective

Increasing the contribution of small enterprises to the economy

Significantly progress broad-based black economic empowerment

Raising the level of investment & exports - Key achievements

Increasing market access opportunities

Increasing competitiveness & lowering cost structure

Accessible, transparent & efficient access to redress for economic citizens

Other activities

In 2004105 measures have been taken to focus on the second economy', in particular:-

Legislation & strategy for co-operatives finalised

Part Three

Spending of the 2004105 allocated funds

Overview of expenditure

[PMG NOTE : A Graph for Seven year overview on spending trends: Not Included]

Key proposed policy initiatives

Part Five

Reports per sub-prograrnme




Conclude free trade agreements within timeframe first quarter 2005 to end 200e with us, EFTA, Mercosur, India, China, Egypt. Nigeria, Kenya . WTO Doha Round negotiations by 2006

MERCOSUR and EFTA negotiations were concluded. Talks with US ongoing but delayed. Mandate for India and China finalised and formal talks to start soon. Selection of African trade partner by end 2005. Participation on trick in Doha round.

Conduce at least 10 agreements with key countries during 2004/05

Concluded and signed 10 agreements. Economic co-operation agreement its concluded with DRC and still awaiting signing with Angola and Mozambique

Undertake at least 10 technical & business missions

26 technical and business missions undertaken into Africa, Europe and Asia

Protection of SACU from unfair trade practices

Improve competitiveness of vehicle and component mfg Sector

Conduct 24 demand driven applications

Issued 705 eligible export certificates against target of 300




Establish 4 technology incubators

3 satellite incubators established for Furntech in Durban, Cape Town & Umzimkhulu

Project support-R160 million by SPII &R270 million by TRIP

SPII support 30 innovation projects with a total value of R184 million and THRIP supported projects with a total value of R259 million

Support 875 researchers,2 200 students, & 353 enterprises

Supported 1 049 researchers,2 125 students, & 351 enterprises

Establish Technology Transfer Center

Center established and fully operational at CSIR

Establish Technology Venture Capital Fund

Agreement reached with CSIR to invest in South African Intellectual Property Fund



Tabling of Franchising Bill

Bill not table yet. Waiting for Franchising Association of SA to complete Charter on Franchising

Establish a chair of Entrepreneurship

Framework designed . Programme moved to SEDA for implementation

Establish Small Business Advisory Council

Framework established & nominations for Council Received

Establish Small Business Agency

SEDA established in Dec. 2004

Publication of women’s economic empowerment strategy

First draft of the Strategic Framework on Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment released




Tabling of Co-operatives legislation, establish Advisory Board & publication of revised strategy

Bill tabled at all key Parliamentary committees & approved by President. Regulation ready to be tabled in Parliament & implementation of Act will commence end October 2005. Co-operatives Advisory Board establishment has commenced.

Published of regulations and codes of good practices

On 8 December 2004 the 1st phase of the Codes of Good Practice were released for public comments. Phase 1 of the codes was approved for publication by cabinet on 12 October 2005 & will be published within next 2 weeks accompanied by dummy’s guide to the codes. Phase 2 ready to be released for public comment

Rolling out of South African Women’s Entrepreneurship Network

Rolled out to 8 provinces





Publish credit policy and bill for public comment & introduce bill into Parliament

During September 2004, the Bill was published in the Government Gazette for comments. 12 information sessions held to explain the Bill . Public comments awaited . Policy was submitted to NEDLAC for comments.

Publish Policy framework for comment & Guidelines for legislation drafted by December 2004

The policy was published for public comment in government gazette on 24 June 2004

Conclude 7 service level agreements with regulatory agencies

7 Business plans and 4 service level Agreements concluded

Establish new liquor authority & consumer protection and credit agencies

National Liquor Authority established. Institutional arrangements completed for Credit regulator to become operational

Establish Technology Venture Capital Fund

Agreement reached with CSIR to invest in South African Intellectual Property Fund

Publish Consumer policy for comment by April 2004 & Consumer Bill published for comment by March 2005

Policy was published in the government gazette on the 9 September opening the document to public comments until the 9 November. Credit Bill to be reviewed on the basis of the information emanating from the Credit law consultation process & thereafter commence drafting the Consumer Bill

Launch National consumer help-line

Phase 2 of Consumer Help- Line was launched during September 2004. Study tour to benchmark Consumer Help-Line(CHL) in UK was conducted and report with recommendations submitted.

Improvement in turnaround time for consumer complaints

Complains resolution turnaround time reduced by 600% from 90 days to between one and 3 days





Implement business development programmes (24 Foreign Investment Grant (FIG),6 Critical infrastructure Programmes (CIP), 400 Black Business Supplier Development Programme (BBSDP) and 1 500 Export Marketing and Investment Assistance programme (EMIA)

Supported 8 FIG projects to the value of R14,4 billion; 4 CIP projects to the value of R153,4m ; 453 successful BBDSP applications ; EMIA – 253 National Pavilions, 504 Missions, 253 Individual Exhibitions, 30 Primary Market Research, 1 040

Approved 6 000 SMEDP applications

2 801 enterprises assisted

Call –center operational for incentives applications

Partially achieved-feedback is given to telephonic enquiries within 48 hours and most of the enquiries are resolved almost immediately

Leverage R2 billion investment in South Africa

Leverage 2.2b investment with 20 107 direct and indirect jobs created, R101m infrastructure expenditure & R122m support for SMME

Table Enterprise Development Act, publish new regulation , & rationalise adjudication structures, 50 partnership agreements with service provides

Draft Act, draft memo and submissions for repeal have been completed & to be considered by management structures. 1 Memorandum of understanding was signed with services providers and 5 were in process





6 ministerial missions, & 32 sector-specific missions

3 ministerial missions . 1 inward investment mission financed through EMIA. 81 missions facilitated by foreign economic offices (41 planned & 40 unplanned)

8 sector-specific investment seminars and exhibitions

3 investment seminars delivered .94 facilitated by foreign economic offices

Reduce turnaround processing time for investment queries to 84 hours

678 investors were assisted & 89 site visits were facilitated , the large majority of which was resolved in 48 hours

Memoranda of understanding with provincial investment promotion agencies(PIPA)

Co-ordination done through CEO’s forum. MOU’s not finalised as decision taken to have this done through PIPA CEO’s forum.

Publish National Export Development Strategy

Finalised but not published

Assist 90 new exporters

Advised 232 new exporters , trained 15 cosmetic exporters for the Canadian market and informed 20 more through workshops

Quarterly publication on market opportunities

Six market opportunities publications were published

Quarterly reports from foreign offices regions

Foreign offices have commenced reporting on a quarterly basis

40 missions over 36 months to foreign offices regions

15 outward missions and 24 inward missions financed by EMIA

6 internal and 6 industry working groups by second quarter of 2004/05

More than 6 industry working groups are in operation. 2 internal working groups established




Reach 10 000 economic citizens through the dti Business Express

Initiative postponed

Reach 4,7 million economic citizens through advertising

27 million people were reached through local and international advertisement

Distribute Quarterly and monthly publications to subscribers

70 print &electronic publications with a total of 130 000 copies distributed

1 foreign language publication per year

2 French language publications were produced and distributed

98% of all call answered with 30 seconds

91.6% of calls answered within 30 seconds

100% of queries responded to within 48 hours

85% of queries responded to within 48 hours

Thank You