18 October 2005

Presentation on 2005/06 Health IGER Cape Town

Presented on behalf of the MEC for Health by Prof R W Green Thompson: Head of Department

And Mr. H A W Conradie: Chief Financial Officer

Sequence of Presentation

  1. General Comments
  2. Comparison of Equitable share with conditional grants
  3. Comparison of Compensation of employees with Other Payments
  4. Challenges in Personnel and Workloads
  5. Capital budget and Revitalisation Grant
  6. HIIV and AIDS Payments
  7. Own revenue Information

General Overview

  1. From 1997/98 the Department was under severe Budgetary pressures.
  2. Major reduction in staff up to 2004/05 to remain within Budget
  3. In 2003/04 motivation was requested by Provincial Treasury for an increase in the baseline.
  4. Baseline was substantially increased for the 2005/06 MTEF period.
  5. For the first time since I 997/98 the Department is in a position to increase the staffing at institutions
  6. A major challenge remain the shortage of health professional staff.

General Overview

7 Although the increases over year appear to be above inflation, one should take into account that other factors played a significant role

· Roll out of PMTCT

· Roll out of VCT

· Roll out of ART

· Expansion of EMRS

· Additional functions from Treasury

8 If one analyses these influences the real growth over the period under review is still negative

[PMG note: Graph (table, map, appendix) not included.on the following headings. Email
[email protected] for this]

Equitable Share Grants

Conditional Grants as% of Total