23 August 2005

Dear Mr Fakula,

Re Public Hearings on Older Persons Bill

Attached please find our submission on the above Bill. Please can you allow the undersigned and Ms Val Kadalie of Rehoboth Age Exchange to make oral submissions based on the Bill?

The attached submission has the support of the following organizations:

Action on Elder Abuse

Afrikaans Christelike Vroue Vereeniging (ACVV)

Age in Action (formerly SA Council for the Aged)

Aryan Benevolent Home Council, Durban

Association of Retired Persons and Pensioners (ARP & P)

Council of Church Social Services (comprising 9 synods of the Dutch Reform Church)

Helderberg Society for the Aged

South African Geriatrics Association (SAGA)

National Association of Welfare Organisations and NGOs (NAWONGO)

Rehoboth Age Exchange

South African Association of Homes for the Aged (SAAHA)


Yours sincerely,


Mary Turok

Deputy Chairperson