Vision 2005

Strategic Plan 2005

Portfolio Committee on Transport


Portfolio Committee on Transport


In the first decade of democracy in South Africa, public transport and freight logistics challenges tended not to receive adequate strategic attention and resourcing. There were many, perhaps understandable, reasons for this – the task of consolidating our democratic institutions; the daunting challenges of providing low-cost housing and accessible health-care; the transformation of education; and the rolling-out of social grants, these were some of the obvious priorities. There was also the imperative of addressing serious macro-economic imbalances. With the commencement of our second decade of democracy, it is no exaggeration to say that the centrality of transport to achieving our economic growth and social developmental targets is now much more widely appreciated.

President Mbeki has repeatedly underlined the importance of major infrastructural investment to lower the costs of doing business in South Africa, and he has also stressed the key strategic role of the public sector in this regard. Some of the economic successes of the first decade of democracy, like a surge in exports, have highlighted bottle-necks in our freight logistics system. These bottle-necks present policy, institutional and investment challenges, which require elucidation, public debate and effective intervention.

A surge in urbanisation and the important delivery of low-cost housing (but often in distant peri-urban locations), over the last decade, have placed significant new burdens on our public transport systems. There are many institutional challenges on the public transport front. How do we better harmonise the efforts of different spheres of government? How do ensure better inter-modal connections, so that commuter rail, buses and mini-buses operate as part of a single urban-wide system, rather than as competing entities? Are mini-bus operators forever locked into this particular mode, or should they become co-owners and partners in multi-mode public transport enterprises in our towns and cities? Is our urban infrastructure privileging motor-cars, owned by a small minority, to the disadvantage of a majority who rely on public transport? How do we ensure more equitable subsidisation of public transport?

Over the past decade, we have made steady progress in stabilising road accident statistics, including through a now well-branded Arrive Alive campaign. However, in common with most other developing countries, South Africa is still faced with a very serious challenge in regard to road injuries and fatalities – with some 40% of these fatalities being pedestrians. More effective and better coordinated law enforcement is critical, but there are also important questions in regard to spatial planning, including the provision of dedicated passenger transport lanes, and the fostering of more sustainable communities with improved and more equitable accessibility to resources and institutions for the poor.

Transport is, by its nature, a cross-cutting reality. It is central to sustainable economic growth, in our country and region. It is integral also to overcoming the challenges of economic dualism and persisting underdevelopment. For the Transport Portfolio Committee these manifold challenges will provide us with much work in the coming five years – legislation will have to be developed and amended; innovative policy development is needed; and dynamic interaction with all key stake-holders public and private, employers and trade unions, the formal and informal sectors is imperative. The strategic plan tabulated below is our attempt to stake-out the key features of our work in the coming five years.

JP Cronin, MP


Portfolio Committee



Mandate of the Portfolio Committee on Transport


The priority of the Committee is to contribute to a significant improvement in the accessibility, affordability and safety of public transport in our country. A second priority is contributing to the improvement of capacity, effectiveness and efficiency in our freight logistics systems (air, maritime, ports, road and rail) in their national, regional and international contexts. Related to these concerns are transport safety and effective enforcement, and the role of transport in contributing to our country’s overall growth and development objectives, particularly in regard to job creation and employment intensity.


To promote an active multiparty structure that will contribute to the above mission by engaging effectively with


To ensure that over the next five years the Committee contributes actively to:




Strategic goals

Performance measures

Output and Oversight function



1. Improved accessibility, affordability and safety of public transport.

1.1 Policy assessment and development

  • The Portfolio Committee will engaged with the Department, and a wide range of stake-holders, research institutions and international experience in order to assess and help develop public transport policy.
  • Hearings will be held on the National Travel Survey to assess patterns of household commuting and transport needs.
  • The current public transport subsidy polices will be reviewed
  • The role of different spheres of government in public transport planning, subsidies and regulation will be assessed with a view to achieving better alignments.

1.2 Taxi transformation

  • The Portfolio Committee will conduct hearings with DoT and key stakeholders to assess feasibility of current recapitalisation plan, and to contribute to reformulation
  • The Portfolio Committee will seek to ensure that the key stake–holders consult among themselves adequately and that correct lessons are drawn from challenges experienced
  • The Portfolio Committee will endeavour to ensure alignment of taxi recap measures with an overall and inter-modal strategy approach to public transport transformation.

  • The Portfolio Committee will engage SALGA to assess the capacity and potential contribution of local government to play a key role in local level taxi transformation.
  • The Portfolio Committee will undertake oversight work to assess the effectiveness of current regulatory and subsidy measures and legislation, and the capacity of local government to implement these and other measures.





1.3 Buses

  • The Portfolio Committee will undertake oversight work to assess the effectiveness of the current regulatory and subsidy measures and legislation, and the capacity of local government to implement these and other measures.
  • The Portfolio Committee will assess the progress made in and the impact of BEE measures in the bus sector.
  • The Portfolio Committee will hold hearings on international experience in using bus rapid transit system s as the backbone of urban public transport in the third world cities.
  • The Portfolio Committee will conduct a study tour of a relevant third world city where best practice experience can be garnered in this regard.
  • The Portfolio will study buses and their role in inter-modality.

1.4 Commuter Rail

  • The Committee will monitor the institutional transformation of this sector, including long-distance rail passenger service
  • The Committee will do oversight work, engaging with commuters and workers and management on the commuter rail systems.

1.5 Rural public transport and other special needs

  • The Committee will conduct hearings and oversight work regarding rural public transport, student transport, the mobility needs of disabled and other special concerns, the role of non-motorised transport, and the challenges facing pedestrians

1.6 Financing of public transport

  • The Portfolio Committee will consider the challenges of financing more effective and efficient and accessible public transport through subsidies. Through more effective spatial planning and through the possibility of other measures – for instance, tax relief for public transport or the taxing of private transport to support and encourage public transport use.







1.7 Legislation

  • The National Land Transport Transitional Act (2000) will need to be assessed in the light of all of the above, and will require significant amendments.





  • The Committee will develop a report to Parliament on all the above (1.1 to 1.7) by mid-2005, and will seek to secure a debate in the House on the findings and recommendations.
  • The Committee will encourage the convening of a national public transport sectoral summit in the first half of 2005
  • The NLTTA should be amended and extended by the end of 2006

1.8 The 2010 World Cup Soccer and Public Transport

  • The Portfolio Committee will monitor transport–related preparations for 2010

  • The Portfolio Committee will hold public hearings with relevant role-players, such hearings may be held jointly with other involved parliamentary committees.






  • An interim progress report will be submitted to Parliament before the end of 2006, with annual reports thereafter





2 Freight Logistics

2.1 Ports

  • The Portfolio Committee will conduct hearings on the National Ports Authority A/B
  • The Committee will conduct oversight work at ports to assess progress in upgrading capacity, improving inter-institutional and public/private cooperation and in job creation.

2.2 Rail Freight

  • The Committee will conduct hearings with Spoornet and other stake-holders to assess progressr in shifting freight from road to rail
  • The Committee will assess the performance of Spoornet

2.3 Aviation

  • The Committee will assess the performance and challenges of air freight services in our country, and of ACSA

2.4 Safety and regulation in the freight sector

  • The Committee will assess the performance of the rage of safety and regulatory entities including National Rail Safety Regulator, CAA and ATNS, the CBRTA, and the proposed Port Regulator, and SAMSA


  • To be completed by end 2004


  • Oversight visits in 2005





























  • The Portfolio Committee will submit a comprehensive report to Parliament on all the above (2.1 to 2.4) and related matter in the first quarter of 2006



3. Transport Safety





































































  • The Portfolio Committee will monitor the performance of the Road Traffic Management Corporation, and assess its capacity to coordinate road traffic enforcement measures.
  • The Portfolio Committee will monitor the implementation of the Road Traffic Infringement Act, and the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act.
  • The Portfolio Committee will monitor vehicle licensing and testing and the credit card licensing system
  • The Portfolio Committee will monitor commuter rail safety and security, and the training and deployment of railway police
  • The Portfolio Committee will monitor and assess the Arrive Alive campaign and the DoT’s Road to Safety programme, and the capacity of the DoT to monitor and assess new road safety innovations

  • The Committee will complete the Road Accident Fund A/B
  • The Portfolio Committee will engage the DoT and all other stakeholders on the longer-term transformation of the Fund as envisaged in the Road Accident Fund Commission

  • Report to Parliament in first quarter 2006








  • ditto









  • ditto





  • ditto








  • Ditto











  • Before the end of 2005

  • Before the end of 2006
  • 4. Job creation, labour intensity training and broad-based black economic empowerment in the transport sector

  • Engage with government’s expanded public works and major infrastructure investment programmes to assess the potential and actual impact of transport-related projects. We will liase with SALGA and others in this regard.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the TETA programmes, and conduct oversight work at actual training programmes.
  • Contribute to the ongoing assessment of progress made and the impact of BEE in the transport sector.
  • Monitor the role played by the Department of Transport and other stakeholders, particularly in the road-freight sector, in addressing the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
  • Report in 2006











  • Report in 2006













    5. Transport Infrastructure

    • The Portfolio Committee will monitor progress made in addressing transport infrastructure backlogs and maintenance. Roads will be a particular focus.
    • The Committee will assess the effectiveness of infrastructure financing strategies, including the fuel levy and effectiveness of budgetary allocations in addressing the challenges.


    • The Committee will report by the end of 2007






















    6. Overseeing the DoT’s

    Institutional capacities

    The Portfolio Committee will monitor the DoT’s ongoing institutional restructuring to assess,

    • Its capacity to perform the diverse range of tasks it confronts
    • Its capacity to provide effective strategic leadership to the range of agencies that fall within the Transport budget
    • Its capacity to provide effective strategic leadership on transport to the provincial and local spheres of government.
  • This will be the principal (but not exclusive) focus of our annual budget hearings and hearings on the DoT’s Annual Reports




    Parliamentary Support Staff for the Committee



    Committee Secretary:

    Telephone: (021) 403 3727

    Miss Nomonde Mjoli

    Fax: (021) 403 2854

    E-mail: [email protected]