
21 February 2005

Re: Ongeluksnek Farmers Association: Meeting held on 15 /2/2005. Portfolio Committee – Parliament

We thank you for affording the Association a hearing on above date as well as treating the matter with sincerity.

The Association agrees that the land claim issue needs to be resolved prior to any other business pursued relating to the Ongeluksnek farms. Subject however due to possible misunderstanding, we left the meeting somewhat confused as to the way forward once the land claim issue was resolved, with other words at what point, and by who are the matters to be taken up to continue the other unresolved items as per out submission (Agenda) dated 8/12/2004 ie;

(i) Purchase price, evaluation of farms and finance
(ii) Development Funding
(iii) Infrastructural Development, ie: Power supply, Irrigation/Dams etc.
(iv) General items

Due to time constraint at point of closure we were left somewhat stranded as to what would happen next, and through which channel the above referred unresolved items of importance would be dealt with ? ie. Do we deal with the Portfolio Committee or who? Please advise us of the way forward.

We do not mean to n certain issues ahead at this point and request your committees patience, however wish to reflect on a point of debate that became very apparent during the hearing in Parliament, when the topic on the price of these farms were touched OIL The comparison drawn purely between fond evaluations of the farms could in this instance be rather confusing or misleading for a number of reasons. Attention should also be given to;

(a) Affordability against the background of previous financial assistance to these farmers being nil.

(b) The consequences of age against availability / criteria of capital loans.(ie. death)

(c) The period these farmers have resided on these farms' 25 years). In conclusion we record that the confidence and motivation exists that if properly managed through our own local management team in co-operation with government a$ well as private sector organizations, Ongeluksnek and surrounding tribal area, with the required financial assistance to develop the correct infrastructure could act as the best example in pioneering long term sustainable agricultural economic growth with the emerging sector, and we believe Sir, that your committee can facilitate this initiative.

Yours faithfully

V. Haviside
pp. Secretary