NSDS Overall Objectives:








Budget over a period of five years

P1. Prioritize scarce skills and enable

a access to training.

S2. Stimulate quality training

for all in the


3. Promote employability and

sustainable livelihoods through skill

d development

44. Assist new entrance into

the labour market

and self-


5. Improve the quality and

relevance of provision



R 8,134.000


R 5,245.000



R 9,000.000




R 12,030.00









R 11,650.000


R 6,025,000


R 9,100.000





R 10,712.776






R 39, 537. 776

R 2,650.000


R 13,200.000


R 7.035.000


R 9,210.000





R 10,408.109






R 42,503.109

R 2,850.000




R 2,000,000


R 850,000





R 10,272.842






R 45, 690.842

R 2, 850.000


R 17,185.000


R 2,000,000


R 850,000





R 10,537.000






R 45,117.655






















R 208.858.382

NSDS Objective: Skills for growth and development within the local government, water and related services sector, to enable the sector to deliver efficiently in terms of its mandates

LGWSETA Objective: Priority with reference to adequately, timeously and effectively addressing the skills needs of the local government and water sector in relation to nationally agreed strategies.

( primarily, but not exclusively the National Capacity Building Framework and the Strategic Framework for Water Services) - to particularly target the least capacitated organisations within the sector

NSDS Overall Objectives:

LGWSETA NSDS Objectives:

Activity/ intervention:








Stimulating quality training for all in the work place

Equity targets supported by skills development

Skills development in 30% of small firms supported & impact measured (& small local authorities LGWSETA)

70% of workers have achieved NQF 1


Govt Depts EE targets & measurable service delivery improvements supported by skills dev.






















No. of enterprises achieving IIP standard

No. of small BEE firms & BEE co-ops supported


No. of workers who benefit from training for placement in new development initiatives (n/a LGWSETA)


No. of current workers participating in & successfully completing learnerships and apprenticeships

No. of workers assisted to enter & % completing scarce skill study programmes


  • develop alternative service delivery models for training – including distance learning.
  • Customise ABET linked to skills programmes







- prioritise leadership development at all levels – political, management & supervisory




-improve service delivery in sector not only through technical skills, but BathoPele & customer service

  • ensure employment equity issues in relation to access to training – gender & disability






    • DWAF






  • Ongoing Learnership support – Dora Tamana




Employed workers in learnerships




Learners in the sector identified for bursary support

  • Research distance provision models

  • Pilot & implement distance provision/ alternative training provision

  • Develop customised ABET programmes

  • Train ABET facilitators, ongoing implementation


  • Research/develop competency frameworks
  • Source/develop appropriate leadership development programmes.

  • Implement leadership programmes

  • Develop an orientation programme at all levels for the sector. Include BathoPele orientation in all sector specific training

  • awareness raising of equity issues in sector

  • ensure adequate attention paid to succession planning in WSPs

  • Develop and implement training committee & SDF training and support

  • ensure equity in relation to training targets



    • Co-op Learnership Grants





    • Learnership Grants – Smaller Employers




    • Bursaries to employed learners for scarce skills



-2005/6 onwards




- 2005


- 2005/6 onwards



- 2005


- 2005


- 2006 onwards



- 2006/7

- 2005 onwards


-ongoing implementation


-ongoing implementation



-ongoing implementation


-ongoing implementation

R 250,000


R 750,000




R 1,000,000


R 1,000,000



R 250,000


R 250,000








R 250,000


R 84,000



R 400,000




R 500,000



R 400,000




R 500,000






R 2,000,000





R 500,000








R 1,500,000







R 3,000,000









R 1,500,000



R 800,000

R 50,000


R 100,000




R 500,000




R 500,000



R 150,000




R 550,000






R 2,500,000





R 500,000







R 2,000,000







R 3,200,000









R 2,000,000





R 500,000


R 120,000



R 550,000




R 550,000



R 180,000




R 600,000






R 3,000,000





R 500,000








R 2,200,000







R 3,200,000









R 2,200,000





R 1,000,000


R 120,000



R 550,000




R 550,000



R 200,000




R 650,000






R 4,000,000





R 650,000








R 2,200,000







R 3,200,000









R 2,500,000





R 1,500,000


R 120,000



R 550,000




R 550,000



R 205,000




R 710,000






R 5,000,000





R 650,000





NSDS Objective: Skills for growth and development within the local government, water and related services sector, to enable the sector to deliver efficiently in terms of its mandates

LGWSETA Objective: Priority with reference to adequately, timeously and effectively addressing the skills needs of the local government and water sector in relation to nationally agreed strategies.

( primarily, but not exclusively the National Capacity Building Framework and the Strategic Framework for Water Services) - to particularly target the least capacitated organisations within the sector

NSDS Overall Objectives:

LGWSETA NSDS Objectives:

Activity/ intervention:








Promoting employability and sustainable livelihoods for all

No. of unemployed people trained and placed (including EPWP)

No. of nonlevy paying enterprises ( CBOs, NGOs & co-ops) supported by skills development

Rising no. of adults are literate


- ensure appropriate structured learning & skills programmes are available at all levels through out the sector





- learnerships for employed people fostered through out the sector

  • Identify appropriate skills programmes across SETAs

  • Establish database of appropriate programmes

  • Notify employers re appropriate programmes

  • Identify appropriate learnerships across SETAs

  • Develop qualifications matrices at all levels per functional area

  • Establish database of learnerships available through other SETAs

  • Discretionary grants to employers for implementation





- 2005


- 2005 ongoing


- 2005 0ngoing









- 2005 ongoing

R 50,000



R 25,000


R 15,000


R 50,000



R 80,000



R 25,000



R 5,000,000










R 15,000


R 10,000











R 6,000,000










R 20,000


R 15,000











R 7,000,000










R 20,000


R 18,000











R 8,000,000










R 25,000


R 20,000











R 9,000,000



NSDS Objective: Skills for growth and development within the local government, water and related services sector, to enable the sector to deliver efficiently in terms of its mandates

LGWSETA Objective: Priority with reference to adequately, timeously and effectively addressing the skills needs of the local government and water sector in relation to nationally agreed strategies.

( primarily, but not exclusively the National Capacity Building Framework and the Strategic Framework for Water Services) - to particularly target the least capacitated organisations within the sector

NSDS Overall Objectives:

LGWSETA NSDS Objectives:

Activity/ intervention:








Assisting new entrants into the labour market and self employment

No of people assisted to enter & complete highlevel scarce skills programmes

No of young people participating in learnerships and apprenticeships

No of interns/ work experience

No of young people directly assisted to form new ventures ( not directly applicable LGWSETA)


- learnerships for unemployed people in alignment with GDS targets

  • participation in Expanded Public Works Programme

  • internships in sector fostered

  • Foster implementation of LED learnerships




  • Liaise with DPW, foster skills development through Public Works programmes

  • Discretionary grants to employers for internships

- 2005 ongoing





- 2005 ongoing



- 2005 ongoing

R 5,000,000





R 3,000,000



R 1,000,000










R 5,000,000





R 3,000,000



R 1,100,000










R 5,000,000





R 3,000,000



R 1,210,000










R 5,000,000





R 3,000,000



R 1,210,000










R 5,000,000





R 3,000,000



R 1,500,000










NSDS Objective: Skills for growth and development within the local government, water and related services sector, to enable the sector to deliver efficiently in terms of its mandates

LGWSETA Objective: Priority with reference to adequately, timeously and effectively addressing the skills needs of the local government and water sector in relation to nationally agreed strategies.

( primarily, but not exclusively the National Capacity Building Framework and the Strategic Framework for Water Services) - to particularly target the least capacitated organisations within the sector

NSDS Overall Objectives:

LGWSETA NSDS Objectives:

Activity/ intervention:








Improving the quality and relevance of provision



SETA recognises & supports at least 5 Institutes of Sectoral Excellence (municipal training centres / LOGOLA/ Workplace College).

Centre of excellence capacity upgraded



Capacity support for entrepreneurship development ( limited direct applicability LGWSETA, except through LED & co-operative support )


-prioritise the implementation of RPL through sector


-support for emerging service providers.

Increased monitoring and evaluation of training


- develop training centres of excellence

  • Ensure RPL centres available through all provinces


  • Implement provider support strategy.

  • Implement monitoring and evaluation strategy.



  • Develop municipal training centres capacity


-2005 ongoing




- 2005 ongoing







- 2005 ongoing



R 4,850,000




R 3,200,000


R 1,980,000




R 2,000,000


R 36,009,000

R 2,000,000




R 2,178,000


R 3,000,000




R 3,534,776


R 39,537,776


R 2,000,000




R 2,000,000


R 3,000,000




R 3,408,109


R 42,503,109


R 1,500,000




R 2,000,000


R 3,000,000




R 3,772,842


R 45,690,842


R 1,000,000




R 2,000,000


R 3,000,000




R 4,537,655


R 49,117,655


complementary initiatives currently being supported through the LGWSETA discretionary funds (ongoing):

learnerships ( 18.1 and 18.2) – LED, municipal finance, water and community development workers

internships – Ethekwini Metro

councillor development


Municipal Training Institute – Kimberley ( Sol Plaatjie)

Co-operative Development – Dora Tamana Co-operative Training Centre


Project and contract management

Gender empowerment for women in local government – Women’s Development Foundation