Revised draft recommendations to the Joint Rules Committee on the sponsorship or funding of committees.

12 October 2001

1. Introduction

The Committee is of the view that ideally all Parliamentary activities should be publicly funded. However, the Committee recognises the current financial constraints and therefore agrees that Parliamentary Committees may seek outside assistance for some of its activities. The Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests therefore recommends that outside sponsorship of committee activity be permitted, but that it be monitored and controlled.

The Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests therefore proposes some guidelines when Committee Chairpersons seek sponsorship and that these guidelines should be revised annually.

2. Definitions

For the purposes of these guidelines: sponsorship/benefit/funding refers to any funds received from donors/ or any sponsorship of staff or resources or the use of any facility or resource.

3. Ethical Guidelines

    1. No sponsorship or other benefit may be solicited or accepted by a committee of Parliament without the prior written permission of the Presiding Officer of the relevant House. (To facilitate applications the relevant form is attached).
    2. A Committee may only receive funding/sponsorship if the receipt of thereof does not create or appear to create a conflict of interest for the committee.
    3. Any Parliamentary Committee must therefore not

      1. Solicit or accept funding/sponsorship from any person, body or institution that has, or may in the future have, a financial interest in any matter to be considered by that Committee.
      2. Accept funding/sponsorship if the funding undermines or is perceived to undermine or diminish the oversight role of the Committee.
      3. Accept funding if it compromises the Committee from ensuring accountability.
      4. Accept any funding or sponsorship if the integrity or good reputation of Parliament is adversely affected through the acceptance of the funds.
    4. The Committee must guard against giving the sponsor undue influence in the Committee as a result of the funding/sponsorship received.
    5. To prevent a Committee from depending on outside sponsorship for its activities, no contract for sponsorship may exceed one calendar year.
    6. No sponsor/donor should be given special access to privileged information in any Parliamentary Committee.
    7. No sponsor may use details of any sponsorship that it provides to any Parliamentary structure to promote or advertise itself.

4. Reporting Requirements

    1. The Head of the Committee Section must annually submit to the Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests the record of outside funding received by committees at a date determined by the Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests.
    2. The Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests must publish an annual record.
    3. Funding received by Parliamentary Committees must be accounted for to the Treasury and the Auditor General.
    4. Failure to comply with these provisions will be considered a breach of the Joint Rules of Parliament.


Parliament of South Africa


Date of application:


Name of Committee:

Name of Chairperson:


Signature of Chairperson:


Name of Sponsor:





Details of Sponsor: mark with X

Private company:


Foreign Donor:


Details of other:



Details of Sponsor/s i.e. type of activity the sponsor is engaged in:









Contact person:



Duration of benefit:




Nature of sponsorship? If travel full details of itinerary


















Value/amount paid by sponsor/s:






Principal Donor

Minor Donor

Corporate Donor

Individual Donor

Does the sponsors have or may in the future have, a financial interest in any legislation that the Committee may consider. If yes provide details

NO ___________ YES ________________________________________________


Does the Committee perform any oversight function in relation to the sponsor? If yes provide details

NO ___________ YES ________________________________________________


Is the sponsor accountable to the Committee? If yes provide details

NO ___________ YES ________________________________________________


Would the funding create or appear to create a conflict of interest for the committee.

If yes provide details

NO ___________ YES ________________________________________________



Approved _____________________ _____________

Presiding Officer Date

Not Approved________________

Reasons for refusal_______________________________________________________


Please note that all applications must be submitted before any funding is solicited.

NB: All requests must be considered within five days after the application is lodged.

If approved a copy of the application should be sent to the Head of Committees and the Registrar of Members Interests for recording of outside funding.