Report on negotiating mandate on Education Laws Amendment Bill [B38B-2003]

1 Terms of reference
The Education Laws Amendment BilI [B38-2003] was referred to the Education, Sport, Arts, Culture, Science & Technology Committee by the Acting Speaker on 3 August 2003:

2 Briefing
On 07th November 2003, Advocate J Machaka, Assistant Legal Advisor of the Free State Legislature briefed the Committee an the legal substance effects of the Bill
Ms N Khunou, Permanent Delegate was also present to brief the Committee on the content of the Bill

The Education Laws Amendment Bill aims to amend the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995, so as to effect textual corrections; to make for an increase in the number of members of the Authority nominated by the organized teaching profession; and to. provide for the extension of the term of office of members of the. Authority; to amend the South African Schools Act, 1996, so as to provide for the prohibition of the payment of unauthorized remuneration to a state employee .employed in terms of the Employment of Educators Act, 1998, or the Public Service Act, I 994~ by a textual corrections; and to provide for an appeal by the employer against the finding of the presiding officer of a disciplinary hearing; to amend the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001, so as to extend the definition of "Council"

3, Consultation
The Committee considered the scope of consultation in the Bill and resolved that enough consultation was done.