Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) Addendum

Outline of the oral submission on

The Anti-Terrorism Bill [B12-2003]

  1. Dangers inherent in enacting anti-terrorism legislation
  1. Problems of defining terrorism (Section 1);
  1. Offences and penalties (Section 2)
  1. The problem of bail (section 5)
  1. Investigative hearings (Sections 8-13)


  1. The banning (blacklisting) of organisations (Section 14)
  1. Secret evidence in trials (Section 18)
  1. Why the ATB fails the constitutional test
  1. Conclusion- whether there is a need for this law in South Africa

Presented by:

Simon Kimani Ndung'u
Head: Anti-Censorship Programme
Freedom of Expression Institute
87 Juta St

Tuesday, 24 June 2003

National Assembly Portfolio Committee on Safety and Security

Committee Room: Rain Forest