


Clause rejected.

1 That the following be a new Clause..

Substitution of Chapter 2 of Act 102 of 1996

2. The following Chapter is hereby substituted for Chapter 2 ofthe principal Act:



Minister's power to facilitate and establish an Advisory Body

Minister's power to facilitate and establish an Advisory Body

2. The Minister must within a reasonable time facilitate a process aimed at the establishment of an Advisory Body to represent and promote the interests of small business as contemplated in the National Strategy for the Development and Promotion of Small Business in South Africa referred to in the definition of National Small Business Support Strategy in section 1.


Minister' s duty to determine Constitution of the Advisory Body

3 (1 ) The Minister must through an open and transparent process of

consultation determine a constitution for the Advisory; Body referred to in section


(2) The constitution of the Advisory Body must -

(a) in general provide for

(i) the composition of the Advisory Body

(ii) the quorum and meetings of the Advisory Body;

(iii) the procedure for the functioning of the Advisory Body;

(iv) interaction with Parliament, the Department of Trade and Industry and statutory bodies; and

(v) any other matter that may be necessary to facilitate the proceedings activities or business of the Advisory Body.

(b) specifically require the Advisory Body to advise the Minister on

(i) strategies to address identified market failures affecting the sector

(ii) the impact of current and new legislation on small business;

(iii) national standards pertaining to small business development and regulation;

(i\) measures to ensure the creation of physical business infrastructure through viable business sites;

(v) the development of skills in all aspects of running a business;

(vi) steps to be taken to create access for small business into value chains;

(vii) constraints affecting the viability of the small business community; (viii) methods to liaise with the small business community to identify

their needs;

(ix) methods to monitor and influence the provision of support services to the small business sector; and

(x) any other matter that the Minister may deem appropriate.

Clause 4

I. On page 3, in line 13, to omit '[ the council] and substitute " the [ council] Advisory Boby"

3, to omit 3,in line the Council]" and to substitute ", the [Council] Clause C

~. On page 3, in line 40 and 41. to omit '[the Council and]" and to substitute ~'the [Council] Adviso~ Bodv and~'

2. On page 3. in line 41. to omit "[each]" and to substitute "each".

3. On page 3. in line 41 and 42, to omit '~[their resptective] its" and to substitute 'their respective

4. On page 3, in line 44, to omit "[Council and the]" and to substitute "[Council] Advisory Bodv and the".

5. On page 3, in line 4S. to Omit "[and Council]" and to substitute "and [Council] Advisor, Body".

Clause 8

1. On page 4, in line 5 and 6, to omit "[the National Small Business Council and]" and to substitute" the [National Small Business Council] Advisory Body and"

Long Title


I. On page 2, in the third line, to omit "consult persons representing" and to substitute "facilitate and establish an Advisory Body to represent".