Provincial and Local Government Portfolio Committee
Outline of 2003 Programme


    1. The programme for this year must be situated within the context of the Portfolio Committee’s framework for this 5-year term of parliament which we adopted in September 1999, and it builds on the programme we fulfilled last year.
    2. Inevitably, this is a provisional programme – for the many reasons we are familiar with. We will, of course, where possible, alter our programme to take account of the sittings of the Finance Portfolio Committee on the Municipal Finance Management Bill (MFMB). But, as with previous years, we will fulfill almost everything set out in this programme, even if with altered deadlines.


    1. Based on what emerged from our recent study tour of municipalities, our oversight work on the Ministry and Department and various other experiences, it is important that our programme revolves around the need for more integrated governance towards accelerating delivery and development.
    2. Among our key concerns for this year are the following:
    1. The more effective implementation of the new local government system (including following up on issues raised in our recent study tour of municipalities)
    2. Local Government finances
    3. Traditional leadership and Institutions
    4. Inter-Governmental Relations
    5. Integrated Sustainable Rural Development and Urban Renewal Programmes

    1. Our programme has to relate to the major issues raised in the President’s "State of Nation" address and the Minister of Finance’s Budget Speech.
    2. Preparations for next year’s elections will also, no doubt, impact on our programme.


    1. The following are the dates the Department has set out for the introduction of legislation to parliament:
    1. Property Rates Bill – February
    2. National Framework Traditional Leadership Bill – June
    3. Intergovernmental Relations Bill - June
    4. Rationalisation of Old Legislation Bill – June
    5. Division of Fiscal Powers and Functions Bill – August
    1. The Local Government Second Laws Amendment Bill, dealing mainly with amendments flowing from the MFMB, will be tabled as soon as the MFMB is finalised.
    2. We will continue to work with the Finance Portfolio Committee on the MFMB.
    3. Pending further negotiations, the Portfolio Committee hopes to organise a major national conference on the Property Rates Bill. See the details of the programme below.


    1. We need to become more rigorous in our scrutiny of the budget of the Ministry/Department. We should seek to become more acquainted with the PFMA (Public Finance Management Act) and relevant policy and other documents so as to better equip ourselves to fulfill our oversight role in regard to the budget.


    1. We need to more clearly link our scrutiny of the budget to our oversight role as a whole.
    2. It is difficult to elaborate a full programme for our oversight role for the year because of a lack of certainty on when exactly the bills will be introduced to parliament, the programme of the Finance Portfolio Committee on the Municipal Finance Management Bill, the time it will take to finalise the bills, the extent of our extra-parliamentary political responsibilities, the availability of resources, and other considerations. Depending on what is possible in the circumstances, we should focus on:


    1. We have just completed a very successful study tour of municipalities. There is much follow-up work to be done and the report to be tabled to parliament in early March will deal with this in detail.
    2. One of the major issues that emerged from the study tour is the need for provincial and national governments to take municipal IDPs (Integrated Development Plans) more seriously. Clearly, there is a need for more integrated governance across and within all three spheres. It might be useful to look at how other developing societies relate planning and governance across spheres. Interestingly, the Department undertook a study tour of Bolivia and Columbia to explore these issues. We might also consider the possibility of this – but it will depend on negotiations with the Chairperson of Committees and the Chief Whip, and the availability of funds and time. Should we mange to organize an appropriate study tour, priority on who will take part will be given to active members of the Portfolio Committee who have not been on a study tour during this five-year term of parliament.




    1. We have a fairly full year- but where possible, we need to allocate time for an education and training programme so as to better equip ourselves to play a more effective role as MPs.


8.1 The details of the programme for the 1st quarter are included below.


9.1 At any time during the year members are welcome to offer suggestions on

how we might improve the programme.

    1. There’s a lot of work to be done. We must simply do it!

As adopted on 25 February 2003

Provincial and Local Government Portfolio Committee

Draft Programme

19 February – 25 March 2003





Wed, 19 February

Workshop with Ministry and Department

09:30 – 17:00


Conference Centre


Thur, 20 February

1. Municipal Structures Second

Amendment Bill – Deliberations

& Voting

2. Study Tour of Municipalities


14:00 – 18:00

Old Assembly Chamber


Fri, 21 February

1. Municipal Structures Second

Amendment Bill - Deliberations

& Voting

2. Study Tour of Municipalities Report

09:00 – 13:00

Old Assembly Chamber


Tues, 25 February

1. Programme for the Year

2. Study Tour of Municipalities Report

09:00 – 13:00

Committee Room V475


Debate in the House on Municipal Structures Second Amendment Bill


National Assembly


Tues, 4 March

Report on Conference on Municipal Debt

09:00 – 13:00

Old Assembly Chamber


Mon, 10 March

Review of Ministry and Department’s Budget 1

09:00 – 17:00

Old Assembly Chamber


Tues, 11 March


Review of Ministry and Department’s Budget 2

MIIU: Budget Review

09:00 – 15:00


15:00 – 17:00

Old Assembly Chamber


Wed, 12 March

  1. SALGA: Budget Review
  2. Municipal Demarcation Board: Budget Review

09:00 – 11:30

11:45 – 13:00

Committee Room 265, 2nd Floor, 120 Plein Street


Fri, 14 March

Local Government SETA: Budget


09:00 – 17:00

Old Assembly Chamber


* Tues, 18 March

Deliberations on MFMB

09:30 – 13:00

Committee Room E249


*Wed, 19 March

Deliberations on MFMB

09:30 – 13:00

Committee Room E249


*Tues, 25 March

Deliberations on MFMB

09:30 – 13:00

Committee Room E249


** Tues, 1 April

Informal trading, LED and Local Government Briefing

09:30 – 13:00

Old Assembly Chamber


** Mon, 7 April

Tues, 8 April

Property Rates Bill Conference





*Fri, 11 April

Deliberations on MFMB

09:30 – 13:00

Committee Room E249


*** Mon, 14 April

Public Hearing on Property Rates Bill


To be confirmed


*Tues, 15 April

Formal consideration of MFMB

09:30 – 13:00

Committee Room E249

* Meetings with the Portfolio Committee on Finance

**Tentatively proposed

*** Tentative, and to be followed by further public hearings in the next quarter, if necessary.