Report of the Portfolio Committee on Labour on the Labour Relations Amended Bill [B133-98] (National Assembly- sec 75), dated 20 October 1998, as follows

The Portfolio Committee on Labour, having considered the subject of the Labour Relations Amendment Bill [B 133- 98] (National Assembly sec 75) referred to it, reports the Bill with amendments [B133A –98].

The Committee, having heard and considered evidence, further wishes to report as follows

1. Introduction

(1) The Committee extended an invitation to interested and affected parties to submit written and oral representations. This invitation was sent through over mailing list and was advertised in the media during October 1998.

(2) The public hearings were scheduled for 19 and 20 October 1998. Submissions were received from the following parties

(a) Business South Africa (written and oral)

(b) Judge President of the Appeal Court and the Labour Court, Mr Justice J F Myburgh (written and oral)

(c) The Department of Labour also appeared before the Committee on 22 September 1998 to make a presentation on the Bill.

(3) The Committee reiterates its commitment to continue working with all stakeholders to ensure that Parliament remains accessible, transparent and accountable to the public.

(4) The Committee further wishes to express its appreciation to the parties who contributed to the process of public hearings.

2 Recommendation

That the proposed amendment relating to the remuneration and conditions of services of the Labour Court judges be referred to Nedlac for expeditious settlement.

3. Conclusion

Political parties represented in the Committee and parties that appeared before the Committee were unanimous about the need for the labour relations legislations to be passed by Parliament