1. On p16 in line 11. insert registered or
(c) who has been registered or deregistered as a voter in terms of section 11; or

2. Special votes (new clause 32)
32 (1) (a) (ii) omit present wording and substitute:
temporary absence from the Republic while on secondment by a business or other enterprise or academic institution or in the service of the government of the Republic

32 (1)(b) omit
32 (3) Special voting must be administered by officers duly appointed by the Commission in terms of s.79 or s.82.

3. On p28 in line 37. add
by checking the voter's roll for any record of voting and the voters hands or identity document for the indelible mark applied in terms of s.5 (d)

4. On page 28 after line 44, add
(d) mark the hand or identity document of the voter with an indelible substance to be prescribed by the Commission

5. On p34 in line 11 after "sorted" insert and reconciled with the number of ballots issued

6. On p36 after line 3 insert (a) the number of ballot papers supplied to the voting station.

7. New cause following clause 105
Omit (1) (c), 2(a) and (b) and substitute:
(c) to be paid within X days after the declaration of the result of the election to every party that is allocated at least one seat in the legislature whose election that
party contested;

(d) the payments referred to in section 106 1(c) shall be on the :following basis.
1) twenty five percent of the fund divided equally amongst the parties that qualify
2) the balance divided amongst the parties that qualify proportionately to the
number of seas allocated to each party.

Provided that no party being paid funds in terms of 1) and 2) shall be entitled to more than fifty percent of the amount of the fund in total.

Any amount in excess of fifty percent that would have been paid to a party shall be distributed amongst those parties who collectively are not paid fifty percent of the fund on the same basis as set out in 1) and 2).

8 Schedule2
On p80 lines 1 and 2.

9 On p78 after s.7
add Role of the Media.

10. New Schedule 3
1. Omit
By using the voter’s roll the number of seats of the National Assembly must be determined by awarding one seat for every 60 000 voters: provided that should this result in fewer than 350 seats. The minimum should be 350.

Provincial Legislatures
2 (a) As above with a minimum of 30.